• Storing Garlic

    Whole garlic bulbs can keep for 6-12 months or more when properly stored. Garlic is best-stored long-term at a temperature between 35-55°F and 40-60% humidity.

    Garlic also needs to breathe, so it’s best to avoid storing your garlic in bags or containers that prevent airflow. Storing your garlic in plastic bags can lead to mold, and while you want to avoid air restriction, too much air blowing on garlic bulbs will dehydrate them, dry them out, and decrease their storage life.
    Keep your bulbs away from dehumidifiers and direct, constant airflow to avoid drying out your garlic.

  • Types of garlic: hard neck & soft neck

    Garlic is generally be divided into two subspecies: ophioscorodon (hard neck) and sativum (soft neck). Hard neck garlic produces elongated flower stalks (technically called scapes) and bulbils at the top of the stalk. Soft neck garlic does not produce bulbils.